- @Plum
Such good advice and surprisingly from a football player.
I love this article. “The great thing about the human brain is it can process the same thing in two different ways. A mathematical model can never cope with that. So every mathematical model concerned with time will assume that faster is better”
Interesting and the best description of telemeres. Amazing that lifting weights might have this effect. “The study looked specifically at the impact of weight training on the body and analysed the length of “telomeres”, the chunks of DNA at the end of chromosomes that act like an aglet on a shoelace and stop the genetic material from unravelling and becoming damaged.”
Yes! Such good advice for the coming days!
We haven’t been here before, other nations have. If we have courage and hope we can use their wisdom to come out on the other side but it will be scary. We will have strength in our numbers so let’s stay together and not give up.
Max Geller was a middle school friend of my son. It is hard for me to think of anyone as cocky and disrespectful. Smart though. Maybe he was right about Renoir but I always thought Max had just found a new way of getting attention.
Thanks for your comment, bill. It motivated me to read this story about how angry mobs are alive and well in a new manifestation. Violence and punishment as a response to hate. Will humans be able to escape? I think so, hoping against hope.
I love Camus! Return to Tipasa🌺
Yes. At the end, she poses an awesome (in the true sense of the word) question
A tale of modern life
Wow. “We have summoned an alien intelligence. We don’t know much about it, except that it is extremely powerful and offers us bedazzling gifts but could also hack the foundations of our civilization.”
“The power comes from the realization that these conversations can happen only once: they are improvised and ephemeral, and can never happen again in the same way. You may forget what was discussed, but you will remember the exhilarating experience of the discussion itself“
This therapist is clueless.
Love this. “We’ve all got this theory that we’re not just meant to be confined to buildings and work. And that guy was experiencing life. Real life. Social media and phones are not real life.”
Beautiful. Reading this gave me a sense of peace.
I hope he is successful. I once dated a compulsive liar. When I realized everything he told me was a lie it was the strangest thing. He called me years later when his father died. His father was a pilot and has been living a double life with 2 families who only found out about each other at his funeral. It runs in the family!
Very funny (as below) but many truths here. “I once watched in awe as my girlfriend, who’d been lying inert on the couch, hypnotized with dread of whatever she had to do next, roused herself by intoning, “One, two, three” — and on “three,” immediately got up and swung into action.”
So true and so interesting that we don’t know more ….. “You might think that in everyday life, the things you see and hear influence what you feel, but it’s mostly the other way around: What you feel alters your sight and hearing,” Barrett writes in “How Emotions Are Made.”
I believe our brains change as we get older but as a 69 yo woman I strongly disagree with the way the author characterizes the change below. We are programmed to care and without that I can’t imagine human culture or I don’t want to imagine it. It can’t be reduced to people pleasing its caring and to do so sacrificing and offering ourselves
Dr. Brizendine explains that as women age, there is a decrease in estrogen waves which changes the way the brain handles anger and disappointment. “The younger female brain diverts the impulse to stand up for ourselves and for the values that we hold,” she says. “We’re trying to impose that we’re supposed to be perfect and the people pleaser.”
Sorry for the repeats….something wrong with my wifi this morning
I think we need an intelligent and charismatic philosopher with excellent communication skills to explain ourselves to ourselves so we can be Americans for the first time
I think we need an intelligent and charismatic philosopher with excellent communication skills to explain ourselves to ourselves so we can be Americans for the first time
I think we need an intelligent and charismatic philosopher with excellent communication skills to explain ourselves to ourselves so we can be Americans for the first time
I think we need an intelligent and charismatic philosopher with excellent communication skills to explain ourselves to ourselves so we can be Americans for the first time
I think we need an intelligent and charismatic philosopher with excellent communication skills to explain ourselves to ourselves so we can be Americans for the first time
I think we need an intelligent and charismatic philosopher with excellent communication skills to explain ourselves to ourselves so we can be Americans for the first time
I think we need an intelligent and charismatic philosopher with excellent communication skills to explain ourselves to ourselves so we can be Americans for the first time
I think we need an intelligent and charismatic philosopher with excellent communication skills to explain ourselves to ourselves so we can be Americans for the first time
I think we need an intelligent and charismatic philosopher with excellent communication skills to explain ourselves to ourselves so we can be Americans for the first time
I think we need a charismatic, very intelligent philosopher with extraordinary communication skills who can explain ourselves to ourselves.
I love her writing. Insightful and then a shot of unexpected funniness (not a word)
Amazing. The ordinary as awe inspiring and worth living for
Yes. Optimistic that we will return to status quo. When this started we hoped to come out stronger and more compassionate. Now we are just hoping to not be destructive to each other😶
I’ve heard people talk about the precautionary principle but never got it fully. I got it from reading this.
This is an amazing article. Trust is the first thing we as infants establish for our humanity and survival. We took it for granted and events destroyed it. How to regain real trust, not false trust? I don’t know.
I have been doing weighted Carrie’s for a few months and yes, they really make a difference.