- His work could be weird, disturbing, nonlinear, even perverse. In life, he was almost comically old-fashioned. But there’s a method to the madness, and deep meaning to be discovered in the confusion he so expertly sowed.
His work could be weird, disturbing, nonlinear, even perverse. In life, he was almost comically old-fashioned. But there’s a method to the madness, and deep meaning to be discovered in the confusion he so expertly sowed.
7 reads2 commentsHis work could be weird, disturbing, nonlinear, even perverse. In life, he was almost comically old-fashioned. But there’s a method to the madness, and deep meaning to be discovered in the confusion he so expertly sowed.
7 reads- 4 reads0 comments4 reads
- 2 reads0 comments2 reads