  1. washingtonpost25 min
    7 reads4 comments
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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      11 months ago

      Sad, curious, interesting. A snapshot of modern life in Brooklyn. Also a snapshot of modern life online. Two worlds I used to know very well, but now all of this seems very foreign (and surreal) to me.

      I’m especially curious/concerned about this army of haters that show up whenever there’s an easy target. (The existence of the “angry mob” is at least as old as the Bible. Sometimes it’s a metaphor for humanity at its absolute worst. Sometimes it just is humanity at its worst.) That energy really freaks me out. Who are these people? Why are they so hateful? I have all kinds of hypotheses, but... no matter.

      Love is the answer. Love will prevail.

      • Pegeen
        Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
        11 months ago

        Really fantastic article Bill. Thought provoking and important. Thanks so much for posting! Lots of love to you, my dear friend.

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      11 months ago

      Really well written, compelling. My heart was racing and breaking at the same time. The questions that Ash and Mary asked repeatedly so important to contemplate. Posting on social media is a Pandora’s box and that would be one thing that I would advise NOT to do in such a situation - that’s pouring gasoline on a fire. I can imagine the impatience of dealing with the police in a situation that one wants resolved quickly, but patience is needed. Stay vigilant with updates from the police, be proactive in that regard. Allow time to unfold the facts. This article has SO many excellent discussion points and lessons. This will stay with me for quite some time.

    • Plum11 months ago

      Thanks for your comment, bill. It motivated me to read this story about how angry mobs are alive and well in a new manifestation. Violence and punishment as a response to hate. Will humans be able to escape? I think so, hoping against hope.