  1. The New York Times CompanyTIM KREIDER7/7/227 min
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    The New York Times Company
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    • Plum1 year ago

      Very funny (as below) but many truths here. “I once watched in awe as my girlfriend, who’d been lying inert on the couch, hypnotized with dread of whatever she had to do next, roused herself by intoning, “One, two, three” — and on “three,” immediately got up and swung into action.”

      • Karenz1 year ago

        I’m lucky to be self-employed with my kids all grown so I’m not on the hamster wheel but I recently had a young UPS guy delivering a big package to my home at 8:00 at night. I asked him what he was doing working so late and he said he works 11 hour days. I then asked if he had a 4- day work week and he said he works 6 days a week. He told me it’s called “inflation.” I call it corporate “indentured servants.” I agree with this article.