- @bartadamley
Chilling short story really. But incredibly timely.
I’m in the midst of one year away from social media & I really would be remiss to not recommend it to others!
Value your time. Value your attention! It’s what makes us human!
I’m sober curious! A lot of it comes down to taking the bold step of firsts: first sober wedding, first sober gathering with friends, etc… i like this approach & found this article intriguing!
There’s a local Padel spot nearby me in the Metro Detroit Area. I was fortunate enough to play twice and frankly have bitten by the bug to play!
My goal is to start a league of my own, but first, I believe getting on a Padel court as frequent as I can is the right move! If you’ve never tried Padel or are curious about what it entails, please look it up on YouTube and/or check if there’s any courts locally near you.
Padel is not a major sport yet in the US, but has its roots in the Spain. I could very well see this sport take over the world of racquet sports!
Really interesting reflection on how the approach to social media by big tech is very much lacking, in a way that business carries on as usual. As all of their attention as companies is instead devoted to hot-button items like AI.
There was also a point talking about a few steps to maintain better control over one’s digital life if you are to partake in social media. First things first - turn off all push notifications! You really don’t need these on, and I’ve found this to serve as a great reminder.
This article was written by Nadia Asparouhova!
My favorite interpretation of a quote the author provided from Aurelius was this:
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
I would check a sober bar out, why not?
Move the nature v. nurture debate to the side.
Reclaim your life & instead shape it for the future you want by committing yourself to your next project!
Kudos to those continually inventing new things for themselves to work on, as genuinely it drives purpose in one’s life. Ensuring when that alarm goes off in the morning, we rise with intention.
Doing a little bit of something is much more restorative than bed rotting.
Energetic progress can be made towards one’s relaxation!
The study of the humanities is more vital than ever, as our society gets more technological.
Studying the humanities asks the vital question on a historical, yet present basis.. of why are we here? what will we do while we are here on earth? And by what standard?
I feel my round-about way to an education in “humanities” has simply been to read, and to read a lot. Being an avid fan of the printed word, and apps like Readup has allowed me to become a better reader & thinker.
The study of humanities is a muscle, that needs to be exercised in individuals, or it withers, harming one’s ability to truly express themselves.
I would love to pioneer a Philosphical Society and/or group of mutual improvement just as the great Benjamin Franklin did!
Just to think of how far & wide old Benji could have made it with the internet…. With his philosophical society.
Some of Dr. John Lilly’s theory & research on humans communicating with Dolphins. Strange, yet fascinating stuff from the 70s.
Being someone who’s going into Clinical Psychology, it is very hard to not be interested in watching this sort of research unfold…
Also, a lot of interesting articles linked at the end of the article.
Worthwhile deep dive on the issues, as well as few social benefits drinking may have societally. What a complicated story on the socially accepted stimulant… alcohol.
Hemi-Sync sounds out of this world.
No surprise that someone who was into broadcasting technology, then becomes intrigued by the occult, parapsychology, and the study of out of body experiences.
Bob Monroe & The Monroe Institute sound like a compelling avenue to study further.
John C. Lilly is worth exploring if you haven’t heard of his work. The inventor of the isolation tank. Here’s an article of his detailing the types of exploration of “self” that occurred as a byproduct of his research.
In his work, he explored the notion of the human as “biocomputer” followed by the idea of having the ability to program one’s beliefs… or more so to evaluate one’s beliefs, and decide if this is the route one still wishes to pursue. In other words, we can change that in which we previously held, evolving these beliefs, choosing to keep them in tact and/or discarding them entirely.
Choose art over entertainment as it relates to your approach to consumption. Great article!
This article reminds me of “The Picture of Dorian Gray” a book I have still yet to read.
There’s no doubt in my mind: that our perception of our “faces” mediated by screens is leading to strange outcomes, such as Bodily Dysmorphic tendencies.
The research on topics such as this, is only beginning to develop, but I want to play devils advocate & say that it may even have some positives to it as well?
Now, as far as what those positives are, I currently don’t have any hypotheses, but I’m willing to entertain the idea that Snapchat can also bring some “good” to the world besides all bad.
Would you classify an AI chatbot as “social media” ?
I wonder how many individuals are experimenting socially with bots like these? To fulfill a missing “human” need… the process of connection.
Is this wrong? Is this good? My guess is probably somewhere right in the middle. Talk to your chat-bot in moderation, don’t forget that there’s a world outside of your screen… but also, that there’s an “escape” if needed.
Interesting times we live in.
Important to know that this sorta thing is out there online 🤷♂️
The question is how do we as adults discuss this? What are the benefits & what are the negatives with this?
Does it become TOO much of a comfort & we relegate human contact for the “perfect” AI chatbot? Or does it assist us in getting us to strike conversation with others we are attracted to?
Interesting times we live in, as far as we relate to AI as humans. Definitely recommend this article.
I have a feeling we are going to see more of this sorta stuff. For better & for worse 🫨
How does being an introvert relate to being an explorer versus a leader?
is introverted leadership the best path forward?
Read. Read. Read!!!
Quite probably he has done more than any other man to alert the American public to the potential dangers of an excessively psychiatrized sociaety.
Worthy read on Thomas Szasz one of the leading voices historically on Anti-Psychiatry.
I just wanna see this book!
Helpful scaffolding to understand the particular study of Psychology that Abe Maslow created in his lifetime.
This article goes in depth specifically on Maslow’s most famous theory “The Hierarchy of Needs” & how where we fall along this hierarchical scale determines our level of happiness aka self-actualization
This is a classic article: Questioning the entire thesis behind what does a mental illness even connote written by antipsychiatry advocate RD Laing. Here he highlights Schizophrenia & the diagnosis of it as an example.
Kingsley Hall, a radical experiment in psychological research.
R.D Laing - sounds like he had some hot takes & it may be worthwhile to investigate his career with a more zoomed-in scope.
Value your inner life!
Valuable lesson from Tim Leary’s son regarding psychedelic use as they continue to trend towards legalization.
It’s about having a system that can sustain you once the medicine wears off so you don’t end up in a constant search for ascension; needing to trip every two weeks.
The latest “innovations” with social media isn’t truly an innovation - it is merely the byproduct of making it more TV-like.
As the way in which we “consume” content is like channel surfing on the olde tube tv.
anti libraries for the win !!!
Inspiring me to get a new refrigerator light !