  1. blog.readup.comBill Loundy12/14/201 min
    62 reads13 comments
    62 reads
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    • Florian3 years ago

      Looks good. By the way, if you want someone to talk to about the Apple Pay integration let me know. We did this recently as you know.

      • bill
        Top reader of all timeScribe
        3 years agoWriter


        I’m still coming at you about zendesk (or whatever) eventually too. When we get there 🤣

        • Florian3 years ago

          Totally. No stress. I’m not going anywhere :)

    • vunderkind3 years ago

      Love it!

      There may be room for A/B testing the above-the-fold copy. As you remember, the thing that really got me using Readup was the promise of helping with my ADHD.

      ('tis funny, it was exactly the phrase 'designed for people with ADHD' that got me sucked in. Of course that's a really small demographic, so this is not a note on constricting the audience, but about personalizing it for everyone.)

      In terms of the content hierarchy, it seems intuitively correct - consumers first, and journalists/or writers further down the bottom (demand needs volume, supply will follow).

      I agree with what someone in the replies said about letting long-form user reviews live in a section of the website. A sort of 'case studies' section - will really help cement the perspectives and help communicate value with social proof.

      Well done, Bill and Jeff, and I look forward to the (re)launch!

      • bill
        Top reader of all timeScribe
        3 years agoWriter

        There may be room for A/B testing the above-the-fold copy.

        Totally. What would you suggest for alt copy versus “internet broke reading”?

        In terms of the content hierarchy, it seems intuitively correct - consumers first, and journalists/or writers further down the bottom (demand needs volume, supply will follow).

        Precisely! Do you think we’re stronger/weaker in any particular areas? You’re so right on about the hierarchy and I’ll take it even further and make it about our mission: We care most about Readers. Readup is built by and for Readers. Then Writers - a close second place. And all Writers are Readers anyway, so it’s not even really about deprioritizing Readers as much as deepening our relationship w a special subset of Readers. Then, way down, publishers are stakeholders too. And advertisers do not exist to us, except as mortal enemy which we shall destroy.

        But yeah, we want the top few portions of the site to scream value at prospective Readers, people who already read deeply elsewhere and who are frustrated with the “noise” of online reading.

        A sort of 'case studies' section - will really help cement the perspectives and help communicate value with social proof.

        Yes yes yes! We need “Readers Write” blog posts! You’d write one?

        I also seriously need to blog about my experiences with ADHD. It’s a major part of why I need Readup to work.

    • Raven3 years ago

      I’m a believer in this project and eager to see what the market will say. Is this the final copywriting that will be used? I wouldn’t want to be presumptuous but it may need a couple tweaks. Also what sort of testimonial angles are effective? Possibly a short story written by one of our eloquent Readers describing their experience participating in Readup. This could be the only article that a will-be Readup Reader can actually read to completion and when you they’re finished they are allowed to comment on it. It gets them in the door without even knowing it. Cheers

      • bill
        Top reader of all timeScribe
        3 years agoWriter

        may need a couple tweaks

        tweak away, please.

        One big thing I just noticed is that we need more Privacy info. Its an important sales point for us: You pay to be treated like a human, with dignity. Thats the contract we offer.

        Possibly a short story written by one of our eloquent Readers describing their experience participating in Readup.

        Wanna write a guest blog?!?

        This could be the only article that a will-be Readup Reader can actually read to completion and when you they’re finished they are allowed to comment on it. It gets them in the door without even knowing it.

        I love this idea! I want it to be a Letter from the CEO :P

    • temi3 years ago

      can’t wait

      • bill
        Top reader of all timeScribe
        3 years agoWriter

        yay!! me neither!

    • dukie43 years ago

      Since you’ll disproportionately get feedback from people who love this or hate it, let me give some middle of the road feedback:

      I was about to delete this app because there is sooo much going on on my phone in this super digital time. But this “quest to save journalism” tag line has me thinking you guys are not evil and may deserve my support. Bravo, well done. Keep that emphasis because then it feels less like paying for another app and more like doing my small part to heal this broken world.

      Other than that, I’m here for the AOTD. I can read random articles in Pocket, which frankly has more features. But Read Up is on my phone because I have mild ADHD and need the non-distracting interface; and more importantly because I value having humans curate my article selection, so the little time I have to skim internet pieces is well spent. I also like that everyone commenting has read the piece, it makes the discussion smarter. Basically I’m here because I’m smart and I want to read smarter and read higher quality. You may want to sell users on that use case and that image of themselves.

      Small note on functionality: I almost couldn’t figure out how to comment on this article because the button to “Post” seemed like it would allow me to share this piece on social, which is not what I want. I was looking for a “comment” button scrolling up and down, then finally faced with no other buttons, I clicked this one and here we are. But that’s poor product design and a bit of friction... otherwise a great app. Hope my $0.02 is helpful. Keep going guys!

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      3 years ago

      Great tag - “If you are not paying for the product, you are the product.” This all looks amazing! So exciting! Great job!

    • TripleG
      Top reader this weekTop reader of all timeReading streakScoutScribe
      3 years ago

      I love the whole concept. People who appreciate this no ads concept will be willing to pay a small fee for intelligent reading and discussion. Giving half of the donation to writers will also encourage more great articles and advertisement for readup by their followers.

    • davidakoki3 years ago

      Absolutely love this! Can’t wait to use it.