- @Raven
If we don’t question what is offered there is peace.
Quite the observation here! I’m running as many scenarios as I can through this modality as I can and I’m thinking ......the observer needs to have discernment and not judgment about what constitutes an offer
Definitely helps me to remember pathways once travelled and how fulfilling they are. I really need a simple practice to guide me home.
Thank you Language
Again the articles here somehow meet me halfway and lead me through the most relevant information that is immensely important for me to encounter. Thanks again everyone for providing this vessel for knowledge.
Looks like one of those dammed if you do dammed if you don’t things that you’re not going to participate in because of personally limiting factors including monetary, idealogical, ethical, and spiritual.........I’m not willing to say that it’s a bubble but it’s one bubble that I won’t be balanced atop.
Looks like good advice. Important information for everyone to know.
I’m a believer,🍀
This article has given me pause and reflection time to reconnect with my notions of the present moment in new perspectives. I’m staring it and will re-Readup it again and see newness that was unseen before. Great timing for this one.
I’m always interested in learning something that actually explains what is really going on. The ideal world would have multiple Schelling points with infinite points of entry. Mmmmm Game Theory 🏆
Very nice 👍
Interesting article about discovery and patience.
I just like puzzles 🧩 It’s nice to know that mathematically things can be better than reality.
Thanks for the scouting on this one. Snowden must be one of the most thoughtful people. being in a limbo with no real future plans to make. I respect what sacrifices he has made by standing on his soapbox and saying what is needed to be heard.
This all sounds great, but what Readup has to be concerned with is if the hare doesn’t take a break. This fable is relating to two aspects of one entity not two separate entities. Being proactive and staying ahead of the curve and besting your competition is going to be better for Readup in the long run.
To love them is to leave them to the universe.
I think this is what my parents believed about guidance and I’m sure that there’s a better way of being able to support your children in creating their future. Sorry for being honest if you’re offended.
Elimination Substitution Engineering Administration PPE
This is the hierarchy of controls for removing/mitigating hazards in any environment. Thanks for taking the high level approach again!
Ego may be the single biggest factor in preventing us from truly being able to understand ourselves. With articles like this maybe there’s a movement again for a level of common understanding that creates a social paradigm of a commonly accepted reality that includes diversity and autonomy. Great Scout!
Thought you might want to read this article.
How can you not appreciate the writer’s clean and clear message surrounding making choices about what we’re exposing ourselves to in our digitized life. Maybe there’s a message in the medium?
Heartlessness above all. Corporate America rings true to only it’s own ambition.
Thanks I appreciate the logical message of giving and receiving attention, I’m trying to learn how to not say the wrong things at the wrong time. Maybe I’ll try to use a”bid” to try to regain connection after my misspoken words.
Simplicity at it’s finest. Nuff Said.
I’m a believer in this project and eager to see what the market will say. Is this the final copywriting that will be used? I wouldn’t want to be presumptuous but it may need a couple tweaks. Also what sort of testimonial angles are effective? Possibly a short story written by one of our eloquent Readers describing their experience participating in Readup. This could be the only article that a will-be Readup Reader can actually read to completion and when you they’re finished they are allowed to comment on it. It gets them in the door without even knowing it. Cheers
Commitment to complete an article isn’t that difficult when you are not distracted, but sometimes it happens. Have you guys ever considered adding a reminder notification for articles that appear in the My Reads folder that are yet to be completed? Thanks again for all the hard work and positive direction you are willing to put towards storytelling. Since publishing took over from an oral tradition there really hasn’t been any challenge to the monopoly..........Until Now!!! Reading~Writing~Readup
Great Great This is what really thinking about things sounds like.