  1. The New York Times CompanyMolly Worthen5/25/2313 min
    11 reads5 comments
    The New York Times Company
    11 reads
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    • Plum1 year ago


    • coriander
      1 year ago

      I loved everything in this article: hearing about Dr. McDaniels’ immersive course offerings, and Dr. Peña-Guzmán’s approach to opening up about difficulties before diving into the long stretches of reading together. Very inspiring methods of shaking things up and creating more focused and engaged periods for students.

      • Pegeen
        Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
        1 year ago

        Thank you so much for posting this! A great way to start my day - hopeful and pleased that there are innovators and visionaries still in our educational universities. What a way to shake things up. Thrilled kids are responding positively to it.

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      1 year ago

      Wow, I loved this article! Made me feel so hopeful. When I went to college (1974), I took philosophy and theology classes as electives, along with music and poetry. My major was nutrition and health education, so lots of science. My experience felt completely well rounded - right and left brain both satisfied and tended to. “The point of college is to help students become independent humans who can choose the gods they serve and the rules they follow rather than allow someone else to choose for them.”

    • nomvulave1 year ago

      God, I wish we had these!

      Also, very important from the abbot, Placid Solari,

      “For us, the question is: How do you use the tool so it supports and enhances your purpose or mission and you don’t get owned by it?”