- @theesakker
I find it so disgusting that there is so much money corrupting politics, the political party machine pulling levers and media taking sides in elections. Get rid of the money, let the political party organize free and fair primaries and the media report facts in an unbiased manner and then let us decide. Make this a democracy again.
This is a great little book. Order a copy if you can. Or multiple copies for holiday gifts!
Why does anyone in their right mind want this man to be President?
This should be required reading prior to voting in November.
He fired his highly capable and experience charging network team. I foresee them being scooped up by the competing charging networks and accelerating network expansion for all the non-Tesla cars. Let’s do it!
I listened to one of his podcasts and could smell the BS within 15 minutes. No thanks!
The humanness here…
For me, strength training is the answer to feeling strong and capable of every day effort. Because I strength train and condition, I can work harder and longer in the garden, lifting things I need to move is not scary or concerning, sleep quality is much better. Also, you start to be less worried about the scale and more excited about how you feel. Try it, you’ll like it!
Insta, tiktok and other social media are not interesting to me. Facebook even became a toxic “otherworld” eventually. And I rarely take selfies anywhere. I just don’t think I’m that important that everyone needs to see where I am or what I’m doing all the time. Would much rather enjoy my surroundings and the people I’m with in the moment.
Love fixing my own stuff!!
In deciding whether or not to have kids back in 2008, this was one of the many factors that went into it. I could see there was going to be a massive, uncontrolled, clinical trial in kids’ development with Smartphone and Internet technology.
This article, without stating it directly, makes a convincing case that we need strong civics education. All citizens need to understand how our government works so they can't be sold a bill of lies about things like election fraud, Deep State, liberal/Hollywood elite pedophilia sex trafficking and other blatant lies that are commonly believed today.
Domestic violence is a serious problem that isn’t taken seriously enough. And our justice system fails us too often.
The best rubric on this topic is from Michael Pollan and it goes, "Eat food - mostly plants, not too much". Commensense and easy to remember.
I have always felt that much of our fate in life is due to the accident of our birth. Something we have no control over but that guides most if not all of the opportunities we do or do not have in life. Yes - hard work, perseverance, etc. are all good qualities that promote success but where you end up in the first 18 years of your life sets the stage for the rest.
What QAnon is doing to people and their families is so sad. I’ve seen some of my relatives post QAnon sourced material and I hope they’re not fully going down that rabbit hole... then I looked up ‘Mel Magazine’ (the source of this article) because I was going to forward the QAnon piece to family. The magazine seems like total junk. Decided not to forward based on that.
Interesting of analysis of how we got to where we are now. Lots of these concepts have occurred to me but I was never had the historic background to understand them.
Amazing! So many burdens to carry. I hope she takes some time to rest and recover from all of it.