- @Ruchita_Ganurkar
Parents nowadays choose a name with an eye toward its Google-ability, search engines and social media have certainly changed the way they think about the value (or the downsides) of having a name that is different from that of other internet users.
“Creator,” like “creativity,” is essentially a null term that signifies nothing about one’s activity but instead marks one’s limitless availability — a willingness to make anything at all in one’s life into content for sale.
Lying to ourselves allows us to believe it’s all going to be OK, somehow, someday.
But I think we have lost something else in our removal from nature, something more subtle and harder to measure: a grounded-ness, a feeling of connection to things larger than ourselves, a calm against the frenzied pace of our wired world, a source of creativity, and the wholeness I felt in my eye-to-eye communion with the ospreys. Nature nourishes our spiritual selves. And by that I mean a feeling of being part of things larger than ourselves, a connection to something ancient and true in this fleeting world, an appreciation of beauty, and an awe of this strange and wonderful cosmos we find ourselves in. All of us feel that unnameable thing when we walk in the woods or sit by the ocean or stare at the heavens on a luminous night. Somehow, we are reconnecting with our ancestral selves and the long chain of lives stretching back to primeval oceans and unblemished land.
Clearly, both the starfield and the magnetic field are important cues for birds to migrate. But human activity has the potential to disrupt these. Artificial light at night from cities reduces visibility of the stars and moon. In other animals, such as dung beetles and sandhoppers, this has been shown to negatively affect navigation abilities.
What’s more, artificial electromagnetic signals – such as those coming from radio towers or even from electric currents that power everyday devices such as kettles – can also confuse birds’ ability to detect the natural magnetic field. We may be giving birds a double dose of pollution that even their fail-safe systems can’t overcome.
Don’t freak out. Don’t do anything drastic. You don’t have to be moving in the right direction every single day, just the right direction over the course of months, and years.
If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run – Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And – which is more – you’ll be a Man my son!
Habit, it’s often said, is nature’s version of outsourcing, a way to off-load cognitive overhead to the rote movements of muscle memory and free up the mind to think about other things. At their most extreme, habits can slide into addictions and compulsions, patterns that resist our conscious efforts to break them.
“In the future, if you want a job, you must be as unlike a machine as possible,”
Repetition is a component of all ascetic traditions, and I like to think that my own habits constitute something like a spiritual discipline. My nature bends toward listlessness and disorder. Resolving to do the same thing each day, at the same time, has given my life a center
What if I’m permanently stuck in a ketamine loop?
After six infusions over three weeks, I didn’t notice any easing of my depression. I still felt sad, dispirited and anxious; nothing had changed. So I called it off. For the first time I realized how powerfully depression is ingrained within my brain. I understood that chronic depression might not respond to language and thoughts, that only a rewiring of the brain’s neural pathways might dislodge it.
Beautiful, Imaginary, Well Expressed :)
Dreaming is the day job of novelists, but sharing our dreams is a still more important task for us. We cannot be novelists without this sense of sharing something.
"It's very important that you have specific groups of investigators with specific knowledge in tracing the money flow," The KYC is to know your client," "People don't know where to report or they're too embarrassed to report or they don't know what to report,"
Some of the greatest romances of my life have been friendships. And these friendships have been, in many ways, more mysterious than erotic love: more subtle, less selfish, more attuned to kindness.
When our attention is divided between what we’re watching and what we’re eating, we miss cues like feeling full, noticing how many samosas we’ve finished, or how empty the packet of chips has become.
Let's make the world more better, try not to be alone :)
“Loneliness,” he’s wrote “is a subjective feeling that the human connections we need in our life are greater than the human connections we have. You could be surrounded by just one or two people and feel perfectly content if you have strong relationships with them.”
Predictive algorithms don’t really predict anything; they just make certain kinds of pasts repeatedly reappear.
Outside the platform environment, social interaction is often generative; ideas are shared or generated collaboratively, people influence each other in unpredictable ways. But within platforms, we are catalogued as data and compared with other people’s profiles in the system, a process known as collaborative filtering. Titles are recommended based on both a user’s taste profile and the profiles of others who consume similar content. Users then provide feedback in the form of clicks, and filtering algorithms adjust their recommendations accordingly. This may have the effect of broadening one’s exposure to different content, but on the platform’s terms and along the lines of its computational predictions. The platform flashes a mirror before you, which reflects back not just yourself but how you have been merged with many other people.
How can the net amount of entropy of the universe be massively decreased?
Living in a cocoon of falsehoods may be comforting, but it is like experiencing bliss at the end of an opium pipe: It will never lead you to the deepest kind of satisfaction. That contentment can be found only within the true version of yourself.
YOU must have spent whole life waiting to get old, because when the time came, YOU had the goods. Your body does become a caricature of its former self. But here are the next lines of that famous poem:
Never had I more
Excited, passionate, fantastical
Imagination, nor an ear and eye
That more expected the impossible.
Really read it....!!! When people can’t touch things before buying them—and when they don’t have to stand in front of another human and insist that a pair of high heels they clearly wore actually never left their living room—they send a lot of stuff back.
Ideas and creative works should remain like this, relevant over a long period of gestation, evolving with the demands of culture, but if we recall the snail and follow the trail through the incredibly uncertain dark, we may celebrate a new concentration rising toward complex thought, all arising from the slow.
“The slow sweet hours that bring us all things good.”
I’ve spent exactly one half of my life in India and the other in the United States. Most days, I feel like an Indian living in America. But every time I cross an ocean and get off the plane in Chennai, I instantly transform into an American in India. With every remark about “how different everything looks now,” each contemporary cultural reference that is lost on me, I’m reminded of my status as an outsider, a visitor even when I’m home.
I asked him when in his life he was happiest?
“Right now,” he said without hesitation. “I have health problems, but it’s been going on a long time, so it’s secondary. But I think happiness really is what’s going on at a particular time. I used to think happiness was something that somebody brought to you. But happiness, as opposed to enjoyment, is when you are doing something and you are elated.”
She added: “I’m not the elderly person keeping the money in the quilt or the refrigerator. I like to spend.”
There are times when I think GTA IV is the most colossal creative achievement of the last 25 years, times when I think of it as an unsurpassable example of what games can do, and times when I think of it as misguided and a failure. No matter what I think about GTA IV, or however I am currently regarding it, my throat gets a little drier, my head a little heavier, and I know I am also thinking about cocaine.
Writing and reading allow one consciousness to find and take shelter in another. When the minds of the reader and writer perfectly and inimitably connect, objects, events and emotions become doubly vivid – more real, somehow, than real things.
If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on”;
A child must be taught, from the very beginning itself, the essence of compassion.
Drink when you’re thirsty.
The Dalai Lama likes to say that each of us is “one of seven billion.” By this, he does not mean that you are insignificant or just like everyone else. Rather, he encourages all of us to zoom out from our narrow, earthbound perspective on my life, my work, my relationships, my money. This is difficult ordinarily; it is easy on the Camino.
As I walked, I envisioned myself as one of 7 billion people existing briefly on a timeline lasting millions of years, from the past into the future. I considered the insignificance not of my life but of the worldly details with which I usually distract myself from metaphysical truths.
“Each mindful breath, each mindful step, reminds us that we are alive on this beautiful planet,”
Noise is much less stressful.” You could give rest to the mind & experience how blissful/noisy your life have become.
‘Our bodies can detect what a healthful food is. Our bodies are telling us that the most healthful foods are whole foods’
Food, that inanimate object with which we are most intimately connected, is challenging not only what we think about human health but how we use science to go about understanding the world.
parents should offer children ‘a reasonable variety and range of natural and unrefined foods’ and not worry about the specifics of what they choose. This idea, later known as the ‘wisdom of the body’, became an important thread in nutrition, persisting through nutrition inspired fads for particular foods and nutrients.
Readup is technology that respects and enriches humans.
Yesss..get it now
In India, for example, they use the lines between the segments of the fingers to count. This means each digit can represent four numbers and the whole hand can represent 20
Not only can finger counting reveal where in the world you come from, it may also shed light on how we learned to understand the concept of number – as children and even as a species.
The narrative self is where the ‘I’ comes in, as the experience of being a continuous and distinctive person over time. This narrative self – the story we tell ourselves about who we are – is built from a rich set of autobiographical memories that are associated with a particular subject. Finally, the social self is that aspect of my self-experience and personal identity that depends on my social milieu, on how others perceive and behave towards me, and on how I perceive myself through their eyes and minds.
A person should travel as oneself, and oneself alone, thrilling in their own subjectivity, delighting however they will in what Morris affectionately calls the “civic blur.”
People who put words to wine are frauds, every one of them, but this wine really does strike me as a long-lost trail in the woods, twisty and strange, all new-made topsoil and the tougher, more complicated stuff beneath
Very positive article -- You have to tell your body that you want to live; you have to say “No way” to any doctor who says you have a fatal illness. You have to become a channel of perfect self-love, and remember that “the simple truth is, happy people generally don’t get sick.”
Laugh and the world laughs with you; get cancer and the world can’t shut its trap.
I had to stay positive. People who beat cancer have a great positive attitude. It’s what distinguishes the survivors from the dead.
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