- @deephdave
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Spending time studying the fundamentals is just procrastination - an excuse to avoid doing the real thing: building something tangible.
Growth at any cost, move fast and break things lead to using dark patterns which lures users to buy or make hasty/wrong descision. It’s better to work on the things which provide values, not all startups get VC funding, some continue operating with crowd funding and open source support.
Part of what made me increasingly uncomfortable was the glorification of hustle culture – the idea that you have to work yourself to the bone to make it big against all odds.
Write for yourself, not to follow the trends or gain followers. Write to get better clarity thoughts.
Just because someone else wrote about the same topic doesn't mean it's off-limits. There are a million love songs to disprove that. As it turns out, while they all revolve around the same topic, they're all unique. They are personal, which is what makes them different.
Me: “Why don’t you play carom with your oldies in the park?”
Him: “My fingers are steady only while picking up my drink.”
What I find funny is how people assume that just because somebody writes something that they can relate to, that person might hold the key to unlock all their doubts. This unparalleled power of words and connectivity continue to awe me. Perhaps it’s one of the few magical bits left about the internet.