- @kellyalysia
hell yes.
I’m working on an essay for my substack that delves into a similar topic here so interesting to see I’m not alone
Absolute madness.
Wow. Kind of hated the first half of this but eventually it starts to make its point. I wish it spent more time on the psychology of trying to self-therapy in front of the masses and maybe zoomed out from Huberman a bit bc it risks coming across as a pure takedown bit. (And I’m not defending Huberman who I’ve enjoyed here and there in the past but definitely take some issues with) Anyhow, still a salacious read
one day...
Ugh. Feel like i could have written this one myself - or wish i could have assuming I’d successfully untangled 3 years ago
Excited to read this book! I recently joined a group/personal training gym and it's a thrill to slowly be getting stronger.
Painfully relatable
This was incredibly hard to read and also very well researched and written. It seems to me we have a long way to go in treating eating disorders, and at the same time I could understand the argument for the cases where preserving quality of life through the end of life is needed.
Great reflections here and I take them closely to heart as someone who leads yoga classes to a wide variety of populations
This is such an untenable situation
what. is. happening.
This reads like a manifesto for Readup. Written by my teacher and a great mentor to me.
Ran into this article and read it again. still so relevant.