  1. The AtlanticFaith Hill2/22/2218 min
    4 reads2 comments
    The Atlantic
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    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      2 years ago

      I love the dark, favor the moon over sun, clouds and gray days, being alone, time in nature - the deliciousness of quiet. I choose to have a small, intimate circle of family and friends - quality over quantity. Large gatherings of any kind disrupt my internal sense of calm and balance. However, I also love connecting with people, even strangers. I have a tipping point and know when to retreat. It is difficult to stand your ground, as most people do not understand this need for solitude. I no longer care what others think. I have spent my lifetime creating a life that works perfectly for me. I feel I deserve it, as does everyone else. Be you and don’t apologize for it!

      • Karenz
        2 years ago

        I can behave very extroverted, but I’m most basically an introvert so YAY for this article!! In my counseling practice, I’ve had to help introverted spouses of extroverts champion their need and right to some solitude. My grandmom Katie always said she prefers her own company. She was ahead of her time!