  1. The AtlanticJessica Lahey11/15/136 min
    8 reads1 comment
    The Atlantic
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    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      10 months ago

      Readup came into fruition because it was evident, and very frustrating, that people were not reading the full article before commenting on it. There is credible evidence about the addictive programming and seductive power of social media platforms. Brains are being rewired and there is less patience, focus and attention. Seems educators are becoming more aware of this and offering different learning models to help counteract the problems that are arising. There is an old saying that “patience is a virtue.” And I honestly have experienced that saying - it feels so good to not only have patience but be patience! It starts with an awareness that you’re not! And then it can become a mindfulness practice to be patient. Meditation really helps. And there are tons of apps and Youtube meditations to choose from. And a lot are free. Deep breathing is another.