  1. The AtlanticSidney Fussell3/26/1911 min
    34 reads8 comments
    The Atlantic
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    • joanne
      Reading streak
      5 years ago

      Yikes... makes me want to rethink Airbnb. I have had amazing and not so amazing experiences with sharing someone’s home (and bed). I do love it for big family gatherings but would be a little hesitant if i was planning a romantic getaway. It requires a great deal of letting go of expectations, people are very good photographers. My experiences were before the onset of cameras... I think?

      • turtlebubble5 years ago

        Unfortunately Jo I don’t think there was ever an onset which means there was never a before. Airbnb is just an online marketplace, they don’t inspect the listings and rely only on user reviews to decide the quality of the boarding. There’s no way to know if a place you stayed had cameras and unlike a hotel whose reputation and livelihood is based on adhering to expectations of cleanliness and privacy.. Airbnb allows the hosts to create their own rules for the most part. They may have rules for the hosts such as no cameras in sleeping or bathroom spaces but there’s no way to enforce it unless users start inspecting every place they stay.

    • asergiou175 years ago

      Pretty creepy to think about this stuff. Anyone can be watching you at any given moment. It really makes you wonder how technology is shaping our society in both good and bad ways.

    • Bjbrown03205 years ago

      I think the total idea of privacy is going to change drastically over the next 50 years. Right now we have almost no privacy but with the small illusion of privacy. Imagine once that is gone and we all know everything about each other. Especially if technology ever comes along to read sparks in your brain to know what you are thinking. Starting simple with yes/no type stuff. Sounds crazy but I’m sure an iPhone did too in 1900. Once we lose the ability to lie easily and our current idea of privacy is gone we will truly be measured by who we are and not who we say we are. Ok I’m taking off my tin foil hat now, thanks for listening lol

    • jamie5 years ago

      Very creepy, I am surprised Airbnb allows cameras in living-rooms. I have rented Airbnb and never thought about the privacy issue. Why is audio monitoring needed? I can understand the reason for video monitoring certain non personal areas but what's up with monitoring the audio? I feel even more violated thinking people are listening to my personal conversations. This needs to be aggressively addressed by Airbnb or they will suffer greatly. After reading this article I would be very hesitant to rent from Airbnb.

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      5 years ago

      Privacy is very important to me. I would be furious if someone were to violate that. Anyone into viewing people’s private, intimate moments obviously have nothing going on in their own lives. Perhaps that’s their punishment. I would take this information and be forewarned. Internet abuse is becoming endemic and it would be sad for us to become indifferent to it’s possible harm.

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      5 years ago

      I actually think it’s just the whole world that has a hidden cam problem.

      • turtlebubble5 years ago

        This is a very good point. I found myself thinking am I a fool for not really caring? I’ve stayed in a place with visible cameras and didn’t really think about it. But of course I encourage everyone to trust their gut and level of discomfort. If I was alone and they were hidden I’d probably feel different. But I wouldn’t expect much or anything at all from air bnb.