  1. Longreads11/19/1914 min
    11 reads4 comments
    11 reads
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    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      4 years ago

      So hard to get through this. Mental illness is the final frontier - an exhaustive expanse of darkness that defies any peaceful resolve. My definition of hell.

    • Plum4 years ago

      Josh is a writer, that’s for sure. He uses words and images to convey his inner life well. As a nurse practitioner he makes me realize that there is just so much we don’t understand about people’s inner lives and how clumsy and yet certain we are about trying to “fix” them.

    • Jim4 years ago

      Kinda disturbing.... I am not sure a therapist would say anything like "So what's wrong with you again?" and the meds are wack, but Josh's suffering is real and hard to read...... anyway very some touching and poignant moments. Gets my first 10 rating!

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      4 years ago

      I highly recommend this.

      The stories we tell are never wholly our own. Words, and the stories they create, have their own history, and we all work within their limits. Writers and speakers, all of us, constantly reorder and encode new meaning in what has already been said.

      It’s absurd how often David Foster Wallace finds me, even when I’m not seeking him out.

      In the last few months, I’ve gotten a lot clearer on some stuff. Life is good, even when it’s not. But also: Life isn’t good, even when it is. It’s just all water.