  1. churchofjesuschrist.org4 min
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    • workingmom12924 years ago

      Imagine if we extended ourselves just a little, everyday to those around us, even if it is in small ways, how many lives we can uplift around us!

      It can be hard and for a friendly introvert like myself it can seem like a ridiculous challenge, but I am going to keep trying!

      An intentional wave to a neighbor, a friendly smile and a hello, asking someone how their day was, and really stopping to listen to them, even a note dropped in the mail to say hey your yard looks great!

      • turtlebubble4 years ago

        Read this just to reply what a great idea that note is!!! I think that so often when walking through my neighborhood and always tell someone when they’re present but would love to let them know regardless and a note like that is just so inherently sweet!

        • workingmom12924 years ago

          Thank you for taking the time to read the article and respond. That means a lot. :)

          When I started writing to my neighbors I think they thought I was nuts. But now, when they see me walking, they know I am a friendly face and one of my neighbors has the best green thumb ever, so sometimes he gives me his tips when we see each other!!

          • Plum
            4 years ago

            Now more than ever it is important for us to think how we can put these words isn’t action. Think how different our country could be

            • workingmom12924 years ago

              Plum, you are so right! If we all intentionally focus our energy on positive and uplifting tasks, letting go of the negative and judgmental moments each one of us can change the world around us.

              I am still guilty of making assumptions and snap judgments; Anticipating rather than listening. When I catch myself in those moments I try to pause and say "This is their journey, not mine-how can I help?"
              It is a work in progress. lol

      • Pegeen
        Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
        4 years ago

        I like your word intention because when you act from the intention of inclusion, you include. It’s that simple. And each small intentional act from our hearts gets us closer to a global healing of this awesome planet. I’m in!