Turning points are reckonings, revealing things we may want to deny. Good things: that we are kinder than we thought we were, more capable of passion and loyalty. Bad things: that we’re willing to lie to others and to ourselves, shrink away from duty, turn away from love. But unpleasant self-knowledge is the price of admission to growth. Every choice is an uncovering. We’re all matryoshka dolls with selves nested within selves.
it’s comforting to realize that a black hole is sometimes just a portal. Bad relationships, for instance, can force a necessary confrontation—sometimes you need to break apart to reconsolidate into a stronger version of yourself. Turning points are reckonings, revealing things we may want to deny. Good things: that we are kinder than we thought we were, more capable of passion and loyalty. Bad things: that we’re willing to lie to others and to ourselves, shrink away from duty, turn away from love. But unpleasant self-knowledge is the price of admission to growth. Every choice is an uncovering. We’re all matryoshka dolls with selves nested within selves.
Claire Keen:
Knowing that you don't know is the first and most essential step to knowing, you know? - Charlie Kaufman’s Masterpiece Synecdoche, New York
🥰✌️💓🎯 Jinx 🎯💓✌️🥰