This article immediately makes me think of Eleven in Stranger Things and how the character’s culmination of anger becomes a protective gift to maintain Balance in the Universe regarding shadow work and to keep her family, friends and community (under threat) Loving, Surviving and Thriving.
I specifically see the image of her at the end of S2 floating in the air and using her rage to hold back the gate of the monsters. Powerful image.
I really prize emotional intelligence above High IQ any day. To be aware, mindful and able to listen and be with your emotions is a skill. All emotions are messengers, are sentry’s of our souls, asking for us to take a deep look. Our bodies are also part of the messenger system, so any pain, anxiety or dysregulation in our energy systems are also calling for us to “see” what it is at the root cause of our dis-ease. By tending to this Intelligence within on a day to day basis, we can navigate whatever challenges Life presents. It doesn’t mean you never feel your emotions, just that you have skills in which to respond to them instead of react. It’s very liberating to be in the flow of life rather than the undertow. There are many practices that can help, such as meditation, Qigong, mindful breathing etc...Also Karla McLaren has an excellent book called The Language of Emotions. It’s a real treasure and very helpful guidance.
Update (5/19/2021):
Anger is a call for protection and boundaries. It can be an awesome teacher and tool for our empowerment. Collective anger calls us into group action, to open dialogue, find creative solutions and own our power. Anger has it’s righteous place!
Without our (women’s) anger where would we be?
I’ve always felt anger as power. As a girl it was intoxicating but I had to give up physically fighting bullies. I now try to see anger as a tool and work to understand its power to hurt but also to make better. I have to admit, there is a part of me that misses the intoxication, I still miss the fight.
Most of us spend a lot of time, big chunks of our lives, trying to be a certain way. We try to morph our behaviors and identities into what we think society wants from us. But it’s a losing game. Instead, we should listen to how we feel deep down, act that out, and let the chips fall where they may. Doing so requires bravery (and, in many cases, ‘suffering the consequences’) but it makes the world better for everyone.
I just had a long conversation with my friend about this a few days ago, the double standards of getting angry for men and women. I got into an argument with a man, and he screamed and yelled physical threats and kicked things but it was brought up later that I was the one "blowing things out of proportion", yet all I did was cry, didn't even raise my voice.
The author says she uses sadness as her I'm not angry, I'm... But I tend to use "frustrated". I'm going to try to change this behavior though, why not admit being angry?
This article immediately makes me think of Eleven in Stranger Things and how the character’s culmination of anger becomes a protective gift to maintain Balance in the Universe regarding shadow work and to keep her family, friends and community (under threat) Loving, Surviving and Thriving.
I specifically see the image of her at the end of S2 floating in the air and using her rage to hold back the gate of the monsters. Powerful image.
Good Read.
I really prize emotional intelligence above High IQ any day. To be aware, mindful and able to listen and be with your emotions is a skill. All emotions are messengers, are sentry’s of our souls, asking for us to take a deep look. Our bodies are also part of the messenger system, so any pain, anxiety or dysregulation in our energy systems are also calling for us to “see” what it is at the root cause of our dis-ease. By tending to this Intelligence within on a day to day basis, we can navigate whatever challenges Life presents. It doesn’t mean you never feel your emotions, just that you have skills in which to respond to them instead of react. It’s very liberating to be in the flow of life rather than the undertow. There are many practices that can help, such as meditation, Qigong, mindful breathing etc...Also Karla McLaren has an excellent book called The Language of Emotions. It’s a real treasure and very helpful guidance.
Anger is a call for protection and boundaries. It can be an awesome teacher and tool for our empowerment. Collective anger calls us into group action, to open dialogue, find creative solutions and own our power. Anger has it’s righteous place!
Without our (women’s) anger where would we be?
I’ve always felt anger as power. As a girl it was intoxicating but I had to give up physically fighting bullies. I now try to see anger as a tool and work to understand its power to hurt but also to make better. I have to admit, there is a part of me that misses the intoxication, I still miss the fight.
Most of us spend a lot of time, big chunks of our lives, trying to be a certain way. We try to morph our behaviors and identities into what we think society wants from us. But it’s a losing game. Instead, we should listen to how we feel deep down, act that out, and let the chips fall where they may. Doing so requires bravery (and, in many cases, ‘suffering the consequences’) but it makes the world better for everyone.
So true, but so hard. It's a constant battle
I just had a long conversation with my friend about this a few days ago, the double standards of getting angry for men and women. I got into an argument with a man, and he screamed and yelled physical threats and kicked things but it was brought up later that I was the one "blowing things out of proportion", yet all I did was cry, didn't even raise my voice. The author says she uses sadness as her I'm not angry, I'm... But I tend to use "frustrated". I'm going to try to change this behavior though, why not admit being angry?