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    • monstertuck4 years ago

      First Covid piece that I've sat down to read in awhile. I personally have lost focus on it, but the numbers coming in with the recent surge of positives and hopsitalizations across the sunbelt are alarming. We are going to see more of Dr. Breen's and people like her severely impacted by this for years to come. Incredibly sad. Dr. Breen seemed like an incredibly accomplished professional, it's sad she left us too soon.

      As a side note - Dr. Breen seemed to be like many young(ish) professionals trying to do everything. I worry that one side effect of career success, community engagement and personal development is over commitment and burnout. Obviously, for Dr. Breen, it took an unfathomable event to be the 'straw' that broke the camels back, but I fear that too many of us (myself included) run to fast. We need down time. We need rest and reflection. It's okay to indulge in Netflix or say no to work / social engagements to focus on you.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years ago

        Beautiful comment. I had many of the same thoughts. Thanks for sharing!

        • Karenz4 years ago

          I was curious about this ER doc since I heard about her in a news clip then saw her family’s reaction. I’ve been a therapist most of my adult life and suicide is still such a mystery. It’s so against our evolutionary will to survive. It sounds like the pandemic overwhelmed all her coping strategies. I agree that the medical culture against any kind of emotional distress or vulnerability is not helpful and she was afraid for her career. The same culture has often hindered police and other first responders from seeking help. That’s slowly changing for the betterment of all of us.

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      4 years ago

      Compelling,I could not stop reading this.Tragic seems too simple a word. I can totally understand how the trauma of seeing so many people dying could overwhelm and destroy someone so called to serve and save. I’m glad the family is out to expose the culture within the medical community where doctors are afraid to personally reveal their own trauma for fear of ruining their careers.

    • jeff
      4 years ago

      Damn, this is a sad story.

      She had exasperated friends numerous times with her extremist approach to getting at least eight hours of sleep.

      This stuck out to me as an unexpected trait for someone so driven. It sounds like she was very proactive about taking care of her mental and physical health but it still wasn't enough.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years ago

        Yep. That line stuck w me too. She was a disciplinarian, that’s for sure. But yeah, I could imagine that her heath (and sleep) went bonkers when the world went bonkers. And that’s why she so completely lost it. Textbook excellent sheep. More important tho, she seemed like an incredible human and everybody who knew her, I’m sure, feels lucky to have known her.