  1. zettelkasten.deChristian6 min
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    • bartadamley
      Top reader this weekReading streakScout
      3 years ago

      So if you model your knowledge management system to fit the way your brain works, you better not start with inventing a hierarchy of categories, top-down. Instead, you’re better of starting to collect notes and see what happens. Let things grow in your Zettelkasten as you let your brain do its work or organic growth.

      Already implementing a note-taking system like the Zettelkasten, has made ideas percolate from the bottom-up.. as I have fleshed out what at once were just random ideas... into a more concrete thing. And this is such a powerful thing to have, as one can truly think more clearly, as well as develop better focus on your creative work.

      Building notes from the top-down is a far less effective way for learning and discovery, and I really wish I had learned about this bottom-up approach much sooner than later!