  1. The Everywhereist12/8/2111 min
    14 reads4 comments
    The Everywhereist
    14 reads
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    • DellwoodBarker2 years ago

      I was just going to read this slow but damn it is so addictive. Fast wild read.

      This feels more like a science psychology experiment and should be developed into an indie film comedy - tragedy. Fascinating.

    • loundytampa2 years ago

      Great read … there is nothing worse then a bad tasting menu restaurant. We’ve all been there before , you get dressed up , you look forward to it all week , you think it’s gonna get better after a few amuse courses …. This is horrible , so much great food in Italy

    • KapteinB
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      2 years ago

      Well, that's the most brutal restaurant review I think I've ever read. I can only assume the restaurant was short-staffed that night, and they had to do a lot of improvising behind the scene. Though it's more the BoJack Horseman version than the Ratatouille version. But also; the restaurant's web page has more pictures of tattoos than of food, which can't be a good sign.

      Funniest quote:

      Amassing two-dozen of them together amounted to a meal the same way amassing two-dozen toddlers together amounts to one middle-aged adult.

      Most shocking quote:

      Another course – a citrus foam – was served in a plaster cast of the chef’s mouth. Absent utensils, we were told to lick it out of the chef’s mouth in a scene that I’m pretty sure was stolen from an eastern European horror film.


      1. Update (12/10/2021):

        The restaurant has responded. It's certainly something.

        In essence, the chef's argument is that he's an artist, and these reviewers don't get art. But there's also a section about how restaurants with three Michelin stars create excellent food, while restaurants with one star create art, the implication being that the one star restaurants are actually better.

      • thorgalle
        Reading streakScoutScribe
        2 years ago

        Shocking! The reply was fun to read as well. It ends like this:

        We thank Mrs. XXX – I do not remember her name – for making us get where we had not yet arrived. We are out of stock of “Limoniamo”, thank you very much.

        That “Limoniamo“ was the plaster cast of the chef’s mouth. It’s pretty arrogant on the whole, but it seems some people appreciate their art for what it is! Negative publicity is also publicity. I for one still prefer food art that is also a meal over half-edible food art that is not :)