- @loundytampa
Daphne was my favorite character this season (Armand in season I) . Rumor has it season 3 might be a prequel - so we may get some more Jennifer Coolidge
Kinda torn on this … as a consumer I HATE it , no more screens , & who wants to have to watch a commercial before they chose what Snapple to grab.
As an owner of a retail store - with many refrigerated grab-and-go doors - I see a lot of way to increase revenue by pushing your customer towards high-profit items
Looks like this guy is just trying to make headlines … all his predictions remind me of an old saying “ If ya throw enough shit at the wall - some of it will stick” BRB , going to buy more bitcoin
Great read … still think we’re on the precipice of crypto & there is a TON of money to be made
Great read … there is nothing worse then a bad tasting menu restaurant. We’ve all been there before , you get dressed up , you look forward to it all week , you think it’s gonna get better after a few amuse courses …. This is horrible , so much great food in Italy
Great read … I feel like there’s a big assumption in this article that most people dislike/hate their jobs. Money is just a bonus to people who love their occupation.
I have friends in the NFT world. I have not invested yet… I’m still on the fence… Is this a fad? Or is this a great opportunity with on getting in early of a incredibly profitable investment… Only time will tell
Love this …
Great read … I always walk the delicate line with my cleaning ladies , I want to know them ..kinda , ya know- to make sure they don’t steal. But not know them too well for every reason I just read.
Lost depressing article to date
Kinda reminds me on an internet startup my brother is working on…. In all honesty , I only understood 1/2 of this
Always loved Monica Lewinksy . So glad she ended up being able to do what she loves and lead a semi-normal life
good read & i wouldnt be caught dead at this establishment but i enjoyed reading about it
welcome thor!
Loved this, good read ... it’s going to take a lot of patience to let my child throw Cherrios because she is learning physics .
I like Rogan, I hope nothing changes now that Spotify owns him
I’ve read countless articles like this , I DESPISE YELP-the downfall of modern dining. I’m so glad I’m in an industry (packaged liquor goods to-go) where my yelp review doesn’t mean anything.
I’ve seen waitresses/chefs almost on the brink of tears over a bad review. I refuse to ever visit their site... everSo are you going back on as “Bill loundy” or “Readup” or a mix ? I need to know how your insta is gonna kick off , a bunch of links to articles to read or pictures of palm trees and the eerie emptiness of key west ?
Love it , take this quarantine time and relax on the beach then, (to quote some other San Fran folks ) “Just keep Truckin ooooonnnn”
I wonder if there “counterfeit” chart will level out or continue to climb
I think I might need this , I’m gonna start with one day of NO SCREENS .., sometime in March
This is good
My fav days (in order) Sunday Friday Saturday Monday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday
“All you can eat” has never interested me , not for one second. Good read though , I can believe how much of a decline the “buffet industry” is on, I like to hear it , and if I really think about it - I’m really not that surprised.
Good read ... love the concept ... I can’t BELIVE the ammt of waste that goes into “to-go” packaging... I got a slice of pizza (one slice) from a local spot yesterday and they put it in STYROFOAM. Hopefully all single use products will be banned soon
A great idea, the results could be scary
I wonder how this guys doing? Is he still going? Will he graduate ?
🤔🤔 interesting , never been to a meeting but always have heard so many people that speak SO HIGHLY of it ... I’m sure over the next 10 years (I’m 35yo now) I will know someone that enters AA.
I support , not happily but unfortunately I have to. Consumers that dine out have to know what there getting. You can’t advertise A-5 Kobe beef and serve some bullshit wagyu . Don’t tell me it’s something if it’s not .... Side note: I do hope more vegan options pop up in ocean county NJ, unfortunately I think this is HIGHLY unlikely.
This is wild ... if even half of it is true , it’s still amazing
Peaches and coconuts ... intriguing... but even after reading I have no clue where I stand on the fruit thermometer
Oddly, what I got out of this article- I think I should begin tongue scraping.
Bill , I spent 72 hours slinging Tito’s at a liquor store on the jersey shore ... oddly I feel it was just as satisfying
I am so guilty of this , the definition of a “list whore”. Some of them are legit , and some are garbage ... I find it to be my job to use them as a starting/reference point. I remember when this article came out , I had tons of opinions, but mostly - I HAVE TO get that burger.
Absolutely amazing I fly a decent amount of United , wonder if I ever walked past him.