  1. The AtlanticArthur C. Brooks6/10/217 min
    28 reads9 comments
    The Atlantic
    28 reads
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    • Jessica2 years ago

      To apply this unconventional insight, before you retire for the night, try pondering for a few minutes the life puzzles you want to solve. Offer them up to sleep, and then see what your pure state yields. After waking, spend your first few minutes writing down what you learned; keep a journal of your progress, and notice how much you learn from your slumber.

      Is it just me who doesn't typically remember anything that my brain processes during sleep? Unless I had a very vivid dream (which often doesn't have much relevance to what I was pondering the night before), I feel as if I wake up almost a clean slate.

      • Peachy
        Reading streak
        2 years ago

        I’m a vivid dreamer. Some of my dreams make so much sense—others are nonsensical. But I generally go to bed when I am tired, and get up early—sometimes wake up at three, but I have many ways I utilize to fall back to sleep.

        I absolutely love the joy at the end of the day when I crawl into bed. I think we just need to listen to what our bodies tell us we need. A good 8/9 hours does the trick for me.

        • Jessica2 years ago

          I was reading David Eagleman's Livewired, where he described a theory on why we dream, and why dreams are so visual. The visual cortex needs a way to stay active and maintain its "territory" in our brain at nighttime, when vision is useless thanks to the dark. I guess a simplified way to put it is, "if you don't use it, you lose it." We dream so that we can see in the daytime!

        • SEnkey2 years ago

          That is awesome! My wife is like that, she loves crawling in bed - long before she really 'needs' sleep. I think this article might help me be a little more like her.

    • thorgalle
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      2 years ago

      The problems in the article resonate, but I’m not sure that the suggested solutions will be practical for me. Might try.

      Thirty minutes prior, tell yourself, I have control over my schedule, and I am choosing to go to bed at this time.

      This will fight a tough battle with the self-talk of “just one more chapter”.

      before you retire for the night, try pondering for a few minutes the life puzzles you want to solve.

      I’m doubtful this will help me sleep.

    • sjwoo2 years ago

      I guess I'm in the minority -- I love going to sleep. I also like waking up. What I don't like is not going to sleep when I'm sleepy!

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      2 years ago

      I can really relate to this article concerning rebellion. I distinctly remember my father sternly commanding that my sister and me to go to bed. We shared a bedroom and both of us resented this nightly ritual. It felt like torture because we would even be threatened with punishment for just talking and laughing. But the flip side of this is when I had my own children, I saw the necessity of getting them off to bed, not only for their sake but for mine as well. And, both my kids were able to express to me how much they resented it! It almost seems like children are biologically made to stay up late and sleep in - hence the nightmare of trying to get them out of bed! Thirty five years later, I am taking melatonin, “earthing” and meditating so that I can get the quality sleep I now know I need to be healthy and thriving.

      • scotthilliernyc2 years ago

        I completely agree. I have figured out through pattern recognition and therapy that I am a petulant person. I didn’t realize it could be attributed to a psychological impulse to create balance. 🤯

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      2 years ago

      Wow - nuts, but not surprising:

      One recent study of more than 30,000 U.K. residents found that people who increased their quantity of sleep over a four-year period got about the same happiness benefits as they would have from eight weeks of therapy, or from winning up to $280,000 in a lottery.