  1. The AtlanticFaith Hill12/6/228 min
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    The Atlantic
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    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      1 year ago

      I did The Artist’s Way with my best friend back when we were in our late 30’s and raising young children. The “artist date” was one of my favorite take aways from the book. And I continue to have artist dates some 30 years later. One of my favorite dates is going to a cafe, ordering coffee and writing. Invariably, a person will inquire about my writing. I have had many interesting conversations with complete strangers which I have found delightful. Or I’d go to Barnes and Noble, select a tower of books and magazines and leisurely peruse them while drinking my coffee. Small, boutique museums are another favorite, as are artist guilds and shops. Another date is riding my bike in a different town. I love to look at people’s homes. What kind of door, windows, landscaping, flowers, deck do they have. Some are perfect, others I reconstruct in my mind. Add or change depending. These dates bring many surprises and much inspiration. This is very low cost - only your time and attention is required.