  1. spiritualityhealth.comKeri Mangis12/26/224 min
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    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      9 months ago

      I read an article once about a man sent home to die, nothing further could be done. One day he pulled the curtains open, raised the window in his bedroom and sat in the sun. He closed his eyes and began to breathe deeply. He noticed it felt good. This continued for several days. With eyes closed, he began to see colors. Interested, he googled the phenomenon, and learned about the chakra system. He then got out his instrument, I believe a violin, and played the notes that correspond to the 7 chakras. He came to the conclusion that loving his body through his illness was more in alignment with his inner wisdom. He now travels and gives lectures on the power to heal through love. It’s documented in a book, Radical Remission, that contains other amazing stories of alchemy. It’s definitely worth a try - no harmful side affects. And can even be used with traditional medicine. Love always sounds better to me than fighting.