Very important information! I wish there was more talk in general about what individuals can do to strengthen their immune systems rather than just telling everyone to stay inside and wait for a vaccine (which only further exacerbates vitamin D deficiencies and makes it more difficult for people to exercise which is also very important!).
Fifteen years ago I was alerted by my Integrative Health Doctor that Vitamin D was the new star on the horizon for many essential health concerns such as immunity and bone density. My husband and I got our blood levels checked and started on a regimen. Vitamin D is a hormone and must be regulated by yearly blood screening. It is a myth that being in the sun for short amounts of time will get you the amount of D that you need. It would take so much more than that and you’d risk overexposure.
Correlation is not causation
I knew the importance of vitamin C. Seems like D is just as important
Very important information! I wish there was more talk in general about what individuals can do to strengthen their immune systems rather than just telling everyone to stay inside and wait for a vaccine (which only further exacerbates vitamin D deficiencies and makes it more difficult for people to exercise which is also very important!).
Fifteen years ago I was alerted by my Integrative Health Doctor that Vitamin D was the new star on the horizon for many essential health concerns such as immunity and bone density. My husband and I got our blood levels checked and started on a regimen. Vitamin D is a hormone and must be regulated by yearly blood screening. It is a myth that being in the sun for short amounts of time will get you the amount of D that you need. It would take so much more than that and you’d risk overexposure.