- @pandemia
The origin story of Wechat and the advent of super apps
Meritocracy is not what you think it is
Remote work will probably not rule the world, unfortunately. Many issues to consider
His only demand was to be fucked bare,” we are told about a sexual partner the narrator hooks up with through an Internet chat room, and for the narrator, you could say, this book is the literary equivalent of just that.
Beautiful review of Greenwell fiction books
Unfortunately, a diet dominated by such foods (as well as lots of meat and little in the way of vegetables or fruit—the so-called Western diet) predisposes us to obesity and chronic diseases such as hypertension and type-2 diabetes. These “underlying conditions” happen to be among the strongest predictors that an individual infected with Covid-19 will end up in the hospital with a severe case of the disease; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported that 49 percent of the people hospitalized for Covid-19 had preexisting hypertension, 48 percent were obese, and 28 percent had diabetes.
American friends, you should read this and do something. For your health if not for any other reason.
technocracy firstly assumes you have an (engineer) class of people that know what is best, which is both optimistic and paternalistic
This article is useless on Readup because You miss all the links. On iOS from Readup you don't even understand because no one is telling you that you can't read them. If Readup is just for essays and longreads, without links, you whould write it somewhere. Once I am logged in there is no page where to get what's Readup and what's for. Bill and Jeff, we have to talk ;-)
By the way, I wanted to suggest this newsletter because I love the digital garden concept and probably you too if you could opt in to see the links inside the page.
I would like to help to improve the reading experience because it's quite frustratring to me. @Bill and @Jeff, hit me up if you will
Back to SM? I think it’s a mistake. You don’t really need them and you believe you are connected and not lonely but a face to face conversation is much much more than a like on a profile. Read Digital minimalist by Cal Newport
Totally agree. I always been and I still am a rss guy
Do we really another study to be aware that we are spending too much time in front of a screen? How to cut? No smartphone In bed and in the bathroom. Try it
Correlation is not causation
Let’s talk about it in a year time. Now it’s definitely too early to call it
Welcome to the world. How naive. That’s a reason why I try to not read short news. Useless the moment you finish reading it
Marie Kondo is not responsible for consumerism. The author is too hard with her. Malik writes about products all the time. Who is he to throw the first stone?
If slaughterhouses are covid hotspots and public health can’t do anything to stop them, I am sorry but I would not feel safe in USA right now. You have plenty of smart people in CDC but they are useless if that’s the end result. Facts speak for themselves
Math made easy. Wonderful article
I would say this is typcal american life style. Subscription is the golden egg of marketing and business. You should know it without waiting to read it in a magazine, sorry.
subscription + credit card = debt.
My number 1 rule is no recurring payment, ever. Zero. Nada.
The journalist is a little jerk but the article is funny and I like the radical honesty concept
DoorDash and GrubHub have a long history of screwing their partners.
Really? Why? :-D
This story is simply crazy. Wasting money in such a way... I'll never use such apps. Not in my name.
All my sympathy for working mums
Good news for privacy advocates. Maybe other publishers will follow
I will investigate if this is also true in Italy
Going to sleep at 8pm? Seriously? I go to sleep between 10pm and 10.30pm and I wake up at 6am. Nobody is going to wake up at 5am, seriously. Otherwise I subscribe to almost everything, excluding the God stuff.
The next innovation we need online isn’t another social platform that will put us in lonely boxes with self-centered newsfeeds that reinforce our insecurities & desires
People should be compensated to not be able to open for public health reasons. Period.
The challenge, Dr. Brandt said, is that there will be no sudden victory. Trying to define the end of the epidemic “will be a long and difficult process.”
Highly recommended to anyone who still thinks that Silicon Valley is a mythological place.
Too many choices are bad for you