  1. Raptitude.comDavid Cain11/19/195 min
    15 reads5 comments
    15 reads
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    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      4 years ago

      I first discovered David Cain on Readup. His article really piqued my interest, so I looked him up. That lead me to his blog, which led me to his small, free publication. He has, in my opinion, a beautiful mind. I receive his posts in my inbox, as I know myself and would not go directly to his blog. As much as I like him, Readup is my favorite platform because of its diversity of writers - different voices behind incredible writing and no ads. I have told the creators of Readup I would definitely pay for the service. I have canceled all magazine subscriptions, as they pale in comparison to what I am receiving from Readup. I am so accustomed to the non-interference of ads that going to Google or Youtube can be a maddening experience. Yes, I am spoiled and would be heartbroken if Readup did not continue. Reading within an intelligent community is life changing, at least for me. The comment section of the articles is such a rich part of the experience. And the comments are interesting because the person read the article - not skimmed it! I thank David for his work and will go back and make a donation. I think it’s important to support innovative, creative and alternative voices. People who elevate the collective and move us in a direction of mindful empowerment.

      • Jim4 years ago

        Agreed .... ads create a completely different reading climate.

    • bill
      Top reader of all timeScribe
      4 years ago

      I've only ever had negative or neutral feelings about Patreon, even though I'm a huge fan of gifting, sharing, and donation-based models. I guess I need to reconsider. Art and money exist on such radically different space/time-continuums, we're destined to keep struggling with this forever.

      Oh yeah, and echo: Death to ads!!

      • jlcipriani4 years ago

        Your negative feelings may be enhanced because it is such a godawful name- makes it sound like you are endorsing some sort of official Hunger Games patriarchy.

        • bill
          Top reader of all timeScribe
          4 years ago

          lol. I used to it pronounce it pay-tree-own because I was thinking about the tequila, Patron.