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    • Florian3 years ago

      There's an oft-quoted saying that "to a man with a hammer, everything looks like nails." But what if that man had a hammer, a screwdriver, and a wrench?


    • bartadamley
      3 years ago

      Carry a hammer is not a problem. It’s just that our world is changing so rapidly that those with more tools in their possession will better navigate the uncertainty. To make it in today’s world it’s important to be agile and flexible.

      A plastic, flexible, open-minded state of mind is what will do one well long-term. Always great to have a reminder of these sort of things, and to realize that the chase for credentials is now outdated.

      Instead, the most valuable thing one can do is instill an open-mindedness to any task that you tackle, and to be adaptable to any state of change. Don't get in your own way!