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    • DellwoodBarker2 years ago

      A beautiful read.

      the hummingbird, like no other bird among the thousands of known avian species, can fly backward and upside-down, and can hover. It is hovering that most defiantly subverts the standard physics of bird flight: head practically still as the tiny turbine of feather and bone suspends the body mid-air — not by flapping up and down, as wings do in ordinary bird flight, but by swiveling rapidly along the invisible curvature of an infinity symbol. Millions of living, breathing gravity-defying space stations, right here on Earth,

      One really beautiful moment in Encanto is when Maribel is singing Waiting On A Miracle and there is a freeze frame of her with a hummingbird hovering.

      Also, I love the line mentioning both butterflies and hummingbirds. There is a deep beauty in the crossover mention in that line lacking any insult or discrimination. Delicate, eccentric wondrous Nature magic In Cahoots.

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekScoutScribe
      2 years ago

      Amazing! We are thrilled to help feed the hummingbirds who come each year to our garden. We are humbled by their presence. They are pure magic.

      • DellwoodBarker2 years ago

        Pegeen, this is a Deeeeply Special Read Today on so, so, so many levels. Thank you for sharing!

        Would add this to a RU folder of favorites to re-visit time and again.