  1. blog.readup.comBill Loundy10/26/2010 min
    25 reads7 comments
    25 reads
    You must read the article before you can comment on it.
    • erica4 years ago

      You both have a lot to be proud of. I trust you!

    • jbuchana4 years ago

      I just read the privacy policy. It is indeed short, clear, and easy to understand.

    • bartadamley
      4 years ago

      We do not share ANY of your data with ANY third parties. Ever.

      One bold move like this at a time, is how Readup will save the internet.

    • kellyalysia
      4 years ago

      Hell yes

    • jeff4 years ago

      Deleting code is always a good feeling but stripping out Google Analytics from the Readup codebase was especially rewarding. It's crazy how desensitized everyone had become to just dropping those script tags in every website almost as a matter of course.

    • sjwoo4 years ago

      This is beautiful. What else is beautiful is that I wrote this comment on my Android phone!!

      • jeff4 years ago

        Haha glad the embedded comments section worked on Android! A harbinger of things to come!