  1. The New York Times CompanyMolly Worthen6/8/1913 min
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    The New York Times Company
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    • bartadamley
      Top reader this weekScout
      4 years ago

      “So much of the effort I was putting forth was only to polish my own G.P.A. and résumé. I was staring down the barrel of a college education that seemed to be a continuation of that same mode,” she told me. “I felt jaded.”

      What is the true purpose of education, beyond credential chasing, striving for a high GPA and so on?

      Love to see what is being created as an alternative, and a way more economically sufficient model. It is entirely unjust to have a student go to a modern-day uni and leave with a cumbersome $32,000+ (on average in the US) in student debt, only to realize one still has no clue what they want to do with life.

      The purpose of an education should be the process of acquiring a set of guiding principles to further explore/inquire their world.