  1. The New York Times CompanyNATASHA SINGER5/11/208 min
    2 reads3 comments
    The New York Times Company
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    • chrissetiana
      Top reader of all timeReading streak
      3 years ago

      “Nothing is foolproof,” Ms. Seidman-Becker said. “It’s putting them together that allows you to buy down risk and increase confidence.”

      Yes. Because if you’re asymptomatic, scanners and these other things are pretty useless in determining your covid status. They can only detect a certain type and number of individuals. Quite limited and still very risky.

      • jbuchana3 years ago

        In a previous comment, I said that "temperature screening seems pretty benign." I was wrong though. Something that gives a false sense of security is far from benign, they create a false sense of "doing something" that takes attention away from the issue at hand, which in this case is protecting people's health and lives.

    • jbuchana3 years ago

      While temperature screening seems pretty benign, some other tacking ideas are perhaps a little more concerning.