  1. VRT NWS: nieuwsVRT NWS1/24/2121 min
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    VRT NWS: nieuws
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    • thorgalle
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      3 years ago

      Note: Dutch article, probably readable with Chrome + built-in Google Translate.

      Nice article from a Belgian reporter who learns about the cold therapy “movement” (think Wim Hoff) and tries it out for himself.

      Mixes science reporting and experts’ views with his own experiences.

      I’ve been dabbling in cold showers on-and-off for the last years. Sometimes weeks on end every day, sometimes not at all.

      It always stays a challenge in a way, which is not a bad thing, because it means that you always overcome the challenge (and it feels good afterwards).

      On rarer occasions, I LOVE sauna + ice bath. Good to be in the European Nordics for that!