  1. The New YorkerHua Hsu5/11/2014 min
    22 reads8 comments
    The New Yorker
    22 reads
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    • thorgalle
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      3 years ago

      Weird article, but not bad. How mysterious can things get?

      Plants make their own food, converting the world around them into nutrients. Animals must find their food. But fungi essentially acquire theirs by secreting digestive enzymes into their environment, and absorbing whatever is nearby: a rotten apple, an old tree trunk, an animal carcass

      You know those moments when something causes you to think of the world and yourself seemingly from a distance? (no psilocybin involved) Reading this I was thinking of a red fox brushing through lush bushes in evening sunlight, sniffing around a mushroom in pursuit of some game. We also must find our food.

    • jackdille
      3 years ago

      This made me want to change careers to study mushrooms

    • Tonianni3 years ago

      Fascinating. Reading this over a brekkie of sautéed mushrooms and oats. I’ve recently returned to fungi love and not looking back

      Makes me grateful for a world designed so awesomely by an even more awesome Designer, all we have to do is discover, open up the gift!

    • Florian3 years ago

      So much incredibly fascinating information.

      Loved this:

      if fungi already function as sensors, processing and transmitting information through their networks, then what could they potentially tell (or warn) us about the state of our ecosystem, were we able to interpret their signals?

    • deephdave
      Top reader this weekTop reader of all timeReading streakScoutScribe
      3 years ago

      Fungus, as Merlin Sheldrake writes in “Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds, and Shape Our Futures” (Random House), is everywhere, yet easy to miss. Mushrooms are the most glamorous but possibly least interesting members of this kingdom.

    • Alexa3 years ago

      MUSHROOMS ARE SO COOL. They're so alien, and seem to be having a real moment right now. V glad, our mycelium networks need all the help they can get.

      Great little synopsis of lots of different major players, books, and thought leaders in the fungi world.

      McCoy, who is also an anarchist and a hip-hop artist, has devoted his life to a radically decentered, fungus-inspired method of sharing information.

      Although the sentence above may be my favorite one. I LOL'ed

      The Mushrooms at the End of The World was a magnificent book, changed how i see the world and really lit me up. Cant wait to read Merlin's next.

      • jeff3 years ago

        Great find! That quote was amazing. This one got a solid LOL out of me:

        The effort has been backed by researchers and scientists, and passionately supported by David Bronner, the C.E.O.—in this case, cosmic engagement officer—of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps.

        Most epic title of all time.

    • jeff3 years ago

      Mushrooms are the best! It's very exciting to read that state-wide legalization of psilocybin will be on the ballot this year in Oregon. Really hope it passes! Fun fact: The spores of psilocybin mushrooms are actually legal and they're not terribly difficult to grow with lots of great information online.

      Both of Paul Stamet's appearances on Joe Rogan's podcast are well worth the watch. Guy is such a trip and has an incredible wealth of mycoknowledge.

      Joe Rogan Experience #1035 - Paul Stamets Joe Rogan Experience #1385 - Paul Stamets