  1. You must read the article before you can comment on it.
    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      4 years ago

      Ok. So I’m still on my very strict “media diet” - four sources only: (1) FM radio (2) local newspapers (3) Readup (4) books.

      A few things in this article caught me off guard:

      (1) Why aren’t we sending these kids to their families? (Is anyone, anywhere against that?)

      (2) The term “concentration camp” caught me totally off guard. That’s an appalling comparison! But, I don’t have the context so I won’t weigh in. Takeaway: I’m glad to be free of all forms of Twitter idiocy. I prefer not knowing what stupid, superficial crap politicians are arguing about right now.

      (3) Is Trump just waiting until closer to the election so he can be the hero who cleans this up once and for all? If so, articles like this play right into his hand. The dirtier “mess he inherited” the greater he looks when he cleans it all up. Right?

      Also, “Things have always been horrendous in Border Patrol Facilities” at the very end of this article perturbs me a bit. Seems to undermine everything. I’m disturbed. But should I be? Untold numbers of children all around the world are starving and homeless. Isn't that what we, as a society, should be talking about?