  1. The AtlanticDmitri Tymoczko5/1/9630 min
    4 reads2 comments
    The Atlantic
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    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      2 years ago

      Really excellent, well written article - a 10. I can see that we, as a culture, are slowly beginning to demystify drugs. Look how far we have come from Reefer Madness! Very encouraging.

    • justinzealand2 years ago

      Lots to unpack in this article. Interesting take on Robert’s Supreme Court argument for limiting 1st Ammendment action. I like this account of James openness to a practical questionning of science, “Ultimately science itself should be evaluated in terms of a higher moral question: To what extent are scientific beliefs conducive to human happiness?”, then his support of the adage ‘ignorance is bliss, “The best beliefs, as James clearly intuited, are by no means the truest ones”. As a teen I remember a depressed dissolution of my youthful falsehoods. Meanwhile, my own experiences with N2O indicate a fine line between recreational actions and mystic experiences. I hope our laws can one day catch up to the complexities and limited utility of drug use.