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    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      10 months ago

      I’m not shocked. Any high pressured establishment such as the White House, medical schools, college campuses, high level sales etc…are ripe for such “help” in coping with the demands of their jobs. Actually, we are a culture that has normalized the high paced life, so even alcohol and caffeine are over used. Coffee all day and several drinks at night to unwind. Then a sedative to counterbalance it all.

    • KapteinB10 months ago

      The headline seems a bit sensationalist; as far as I understand Modafinil isn't really comparable to amphetamines. But this was still a wild read. I wasn't aware of Ronny Jackson before reading this, and he seems like a real character. And now he's a member of congress, where loons fit right in!