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    • morepete5 years ago

      Good advice if you want to read more books. I deeply question its thesis, however, and especially in the literal translation of the Buffett quote? Which books was Buffett referring to? Which books is Chu reading? Was Buckminster Fuller wasting his time with his habit of reading magazines on the airplane, which he chose based on their location on the newsstand, not on the title of the magazine, in part because he wanted to expand his worldview through exposure to the alien, whether it was Cat Fancy or Guns and Ammo?

      Characterizing all of TV as trash also suggests to me that he hasn't read enough books to realize the limits of his own vision.

    • joanne
      Reading streak
      5 years ago

      Love this, I would also suggest getting to know your your public library and starting a book club. It's nice to have tons of options (for free) and then sharing the adventures of reading with friends. Two hundred does sound ambitious!

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      5 years ago

      This is amazing:

      If you were quitting cocaine, would you keep it lying around the house? Of course not. Media is designed to be addictive. Moving away from media addiction can be as difficult as quitting drugs.

      If you want to read, make sure (1) you remove all distractions from your environment and (2) you make books as easy to access as possible.

    • sam5 years ago

      “Read 500 pages like this every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will...”

      This whole article rang so true to me. With many goals in life, if you spend a little time working towards meeting it each day, the seemingly inconceivable comes within reach. When I was in middle school, we had to read 25 books in a school year for English class, and that was always difficult. Reading 200 takes that to another level, but given the author's math, it no longer seems impossible.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        5 years ago

        Wonderful, Sam! Thanks for sharing!!