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    • BillEnkey3 years ago

      This reminds me of James Fowler's stages of faith, and of the spiral dynamics psychological model (an idea based on cyclical theory from Clare Graves). I suppose if we really wanted, we could break either of those down into a three part system: egocentric, ethnocentric, and ecocentric. In my opinion, this article appears to highlight the ethnocentric rape of our sociopolitical system, led by our so called elected leadership. I think he may be right about the tribalism that is being forced upon us; and the outcome is someone so wrapped up in their own problems they can't see the forest for the trees. I think I agree as well that we need to work towards an ecocentric mind set. What's good for me may not be good for others; the right answer may be to not indulge the selfish intuition. However, the current answer is to indulge the greedy need for immediate gratification, even if at the expense of the tribe, but to jump on the tribal bandwagon when it needs numbers.

      • SEnkey3 years ago


    • jayvidya3 years ago


    • Florian3 years ago

      Be the change

    • jeff3 years ago

      Based Ron Paul acid trip. I could nitpick but it's literally called "Culture Rant" and as far as rants go I'm pretty on board with most of this one.

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      3 years ago


      We are on some caveman shit.

      • thorgalle
        Top reader this week
        3 years ago

        That was a funny passage. Again I am reminded though of Harari saying that while club sports are often portrayed as “we vs them”, it’s actually a great symbol of unity, since we’re watching a neatly governed game on TV, instead of hitting each other’s skulls in.

    • DellwoodBarker3 years ago

      The system is artificially inflated to extract the most value possible from sick people, our most vulnerable. The corruption in our hospitals is flagrant, but we’re all too scared to stop it. If we don’t pay hundreds of dollars a month for insurance, we will be financially crippled for the rest of our lives if calamity strikes. Healthcare debt and student debt account for much of the financial burden hamstringing our people. I’d love to think that pouring more money into our healthcare system would fix it, but I don’t think that’s the case. This wasteful and extractive system will not be righted with more cash.

      The US should be able to provide healthcare to our people, similar to other developed nations, but the corruption runs deep in this system. We attempted to douse this dumpster fire with Obamacare. This attempted solution extrapolated the problem. Insurance as a mechanism leverages individual responsibility. Participants put their money into a collective pot to pay for any of the participants unforeseen expense. For insurance to work, it must be exclusive. This exclusivity incentivizes people to live healthily to keep their risk, therefor premium low. Healthy people can band together and pay less given their low collective risk. In our culture of stressed out, overweight and highly medicated people, forced universal health insurance isn’t the way out. We definitely need to take care of our people, but insurance is more problem than solution. This system must be changed from the root. It starts with us, the people.

      We have to take our health into our own hands. We know that chronic stress and obesity are primary killers in our culture. We must find freedom from the hamster wheel and learn to fuel our bodies intelligently.

      Corporate greed teaches us to gluttonously consume. Pharmaceutical companies advertise pills to curb our anxiety, lower our blood pressure and overstimulate our minds. We must see these soul sucking advertising mechanisms for what they are and stop succumbing to them.

      Let’s come together and help one another through this life, curb the ego and competition, and realize that we’re all on the same team. Our media preaches the opposite, stay divided, us versus them. I think this is partially what we crave. It’s a tribal mechanism being preyed upon. Divided we feel secure. “At least I’m not one of those idiots.” If we all could talk to one another we would see that we all want the same things, and fear similar boogie men.

      We watch this tribal warfare as we chug beers, furthering our ego filled nature. Eating meat off the bone in the form of “hot wings” as we yell for our gladiators to smash whoever “they” are this Sunday.