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    • sjwoo2 years ago

      It's almost comical what higher education has become nowadays, with the power having shifted almost entirely to that of the student body -- who are basically overgrown teenagers. Very, very glad I'm nowhere near academia...

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      2 years ago

      A compelling, well-written case against "exemption culture.”

      Ugh – see how that reads when exposed to the sunlight?


      • Karenz2 years ago

        Bill, I highlighted the same sentence!! I’m glad my career path was NOT teaching the classics though I studied Latin in college to avoid Calculus!! I don’t remember ever having to read a whole text in Latin but then again, I didn’t go to Princeton!! It did help me with language and word recognition. Why not have different levels of the course, one for those who are language nerds and another for those that just want a decent translation to study those texts.

    • thorgalle
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      2 years ago

      No. You don’t get past racism by creating new forms of it.

      This makes sense. Why don't we observe that "Some people don't want to enter these studies because they don't have much background in Latin/Greek; we can either give those people extra classes or support, or we can drop the requirement". It doesn't matter who those people are. Why should race have anything to do with this consideration?

      I'm puzzled by, what I observe from afar, the American framing of so many things in terms of racial differences ("the school is x % black, y % white, and z % latino"). I get that this may be useful to point out racism in certain cases, but I also get the feeling that by constantly referring to percentages and quota, racism is perpetuated. It seems terribly difficult, like a Catch-22.

    • [user]2 years ago

      This comment was deleted on 9/17/2021