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    • KapteinB
      Top reader this weekScoutScribe
      1 year ago

      There's an uproar about this in the community. My current dungeon master has cancelled his D&D Beyond subscription, swears to boycott the franchise (including the upciming film), and plans to do future campaigns with Pathfinder instead.

      There's definitely some shitty things in the new license, like WotC claiming copyright on all third-party creations, voiding the old license (This can't actually be legal, can it? The old license was perpetual, and this is not how perpetual works.), and giving third-party publishers an extremely short time window to comply with the new license. And 25% of gross income is a lot! But that's only income above $750,000, so it probably won't affect about 99% of publishers.

      Well, I don't really like D&D4+, and I've been trying to convince my friends to try other TTRPGs for years. (With some success, I might add: We had a great Scum & Villainy campaign, had a lot of fun playing Fantasy AGE last year, and we're now doing a Deadlands campaign.) If this pushes more players and content creators to give all the other great TTRPGs out there a try, this might actually be an overall positive.