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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      4 years ago

      What do folks think about this?

      My take: This kind of writing isn’t productive. It’s written by and for people who are so completely consumed by the hype machine that it’s almost like they aren’t really thinking original thoughts.

      Culture, food and race - my favorite topics. I read that Sarah Kay piece when it first came out, so I’ve been thinking about this for a while. At my income/wealth level, “authenticity” comes at a price, so my experiences are nothing like what the author describes. Chipotle, where I am, is cheaper than actual Mexican food - stuff made by Mexicans for Mexicans.

      Now that I’ve been removed from the food scene (in Brooklyn and SF) for a while — and, as a compounding factor, I don’t use social media — I feel like I can see that these kind of articles are written by and for city people who are (1) obsessed with one very specific form of identity (skin color) that they ignore other forms (socio-economic background, class, etc.), and (2) trying to get ahead on the next hype, rather than trying to un-hype their minds.