  1. designformankind.com15 min
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    • thorgalle
      Top reader this weekScribe
      2 months ago

      I think you can try to be on the Internet while avoiding Influencers, and/or the places where they put up camp. I still happily don't use TikTok, and stay away from Instagram/LinkedIn/Facebook as much as possible.

      There are small social spaces, like this one. Internet doesn't have to mean "following Influencers".

    • Peachy2 months ago

      Thanks for this. I know I spend too much time online—and more often than not, I am discouraged by what is fed to us by folks just like us. I have minimized my time over time. Some days I wish we never had the internet. Then I google some fact I “desperately” need to know and realize I’m no different than the masses!!

    • kellyalysia2 months ago

      Ugh. Feel like i could have written this one myself - or wish i could have assuming I’d successfully untangled 3 years ago