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    • rlinder6 years ago

      I think I feel different about this guy because he's a public figure, a bonafide celebrity nazi. So, he's doesn't need to create an incident to be an incident.

      ^^ agreed

    • turtlebubble6 years ago

      Pretty shocking decision from the gym though imo. Definitely feels like a decision made out of fear of bad publicity ie "Nazi Gym Stands Up for Nazi Gymgoer" rather than based on the beliefs of the gym. Kind of sets a precedent to oust those on sex offender registries etc. I'd like to believe that if it were my decision, unless there was a specific incident at the gym itself the business would not get involved, but who knows?

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        6 years ago

        Really good point re: sex offenders.

        I think I feel different about this guy because he's a public figure, a bonafide celebrity nazi. So, he's doesn't need to create an incident to be an incident.

        Here's the hypothetical I'm trying to work out in my head >> If I owned a business, I'm pretty sure I'd kick out a known Nazi or someone who was doing/saying crazy Nazi shit. But I'm not sure if/how I would handle someone who I (personally) knew was a Nazi but was perfectly normal/respectful and no other customers or employees knew.

        I think I'd still be like, "fuck you, dude, get lost" but honestly I don't know.

        • turtlebubble6 years ago

          Yeah its just tough because that then opens you up to being a place where potentially anyone else who knows a private nazi can then out them to your business to get them expelled, and then you're either a full time investigator into peoples personal politics or you take everyones word for it and run the risk of hurting innocent people. Its an interesting conundrum as a business owner because unfortunately you can't really do things on a case to case basis, I feel like things have to be policy to be fair and accepted and to me that means 'Hate speech or harassment of any kind will be met with expulsion.' But getting into peoples private lives is too much responsibility. But like you said for Spencer it isn't private and I do like the idea of public figures who flaunt their hateful beliefs being subjected to hardship because of it. I agree he shouldn't have an easy life.

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      6 years ago

      Awesome. F this guy.