  1. The New York Times CompanyTAFFY BRODESSER-AKNER9/3/1932 min
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    The New York Times Company
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    • bill
      Top reader of all timeScout
      5 years ago

      Marianne Williamson FTW! Gotta believe! Let’s do this!

      • bill
        Top reader of all timeScout
        5 years ago

        OK, I need to comment again. So many wonderful little nuggets have stayed with me since I read this last night:

        “Your personal anger depletes you"

        “If I’m a conservative, God, heal me of my thoughts that liberals are the problem. If I’m a liberal, God, heal me of my thoughts that the conservatives are the problem.”

        [Cory Booker] had memorized a quote of hers that he said is often falsely attributed to Nelson Mandela: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.”

        “When David Brooks says it, it’s profound,” she told me. “When I say it, it’s woo-woo."

        It's so true that there's an absurd double standard happening here. I feel genuinely embarrassed that I initially didn't consider Marianne a serious candidate. But now I've been reading about Marianne for almost three months and I want to do everything I can to amplify her message.

        She knows what's going on because she reads. A lot. It's an impossible thing to fake. I love how often she references contemporary articles and authors, the stuff she's currently reading. (The Bradley Cooper line is beyond perfect.) This is a person who takes her own knowledge and wisdom seriously. I recently heard a podcast in which Karl Marx came up and Marianne absolutely exploded the conversations in the most beautiful and insightful way because - go figure - she's actually read tons of Marx!

        There's no end to the depth. My jaw dropped at this:

        Then, in 1997, she got a call from a Unity church in Detroit, asking if she knew of anyone who could minister the church. Her answer was herself. There, she did private counseling; she did couples counseling; she helped lead prayer services to promote racial healing, in which white members of a congregation turned to black members and apologized for the many years of oppression they endured and still endure at the hands of their ancestors and themselves.

        Oh, also, she might be the only one who can beat Trump. So there's that.