  1. The New York Times CompanyJessica Grose3/10/215 min
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    The New York Times Company
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    • TranquilHaze3 years ago

      "raising your voice or losing your cool from time to time? That’s inevitable because we are human. “There is this kind of expectation that children should be protected from feeling any negative emotion ... But that’s toxic positivity. It’s not normal; it’s not OK. We have a range of emotions that include feeling frustrated, anxious and worried.” It’s also worth noting that the pandemic is exacerbating a lot of stressors on parents, both financial and emotional. And even as things improve, virus-wise, many of us are under additional strain."

      "The most important thing is what happens after you snap at your children, said all four of the experts I spoke to. Here’s their advice for coming back from saying things you regret, how to empathize with your kids and how to cut down on snapping when it’s possible."