  1. The New York Times CompanyJONAH ENGEL BROMWICH, Ezra Marcus8/4/2010 min
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    The New York Times Company
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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      3 years ago

      BethAnn is like a digital version of Rachel Dolezal. This story is nuts.

      To be honest, I couldn’t stop LOLing every time someone was like “I remember thinking, ‘Is this BethAnn?’” Lolol. It’s BethAnn!

      “I was pretty shocked,” said Erica Smith, a postdoctoral researcher at Indiana University. “I had never had particularly great experiences with @Sciencing_Bi, but I thought that she was a whole real human who had just died. I was surprised by how hard it hit me. I ate a pint of ice cream about it.”

      I wonder how many times someone accomplished a fake death and just disappeared and nobody ever knew the truth that the person wasn’t real.