  1. You must read the article before you can comment on it.
    • Montelemar6 years ago

      And the state I live in gets more attention...Unfortunately in the Tri-State area (Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia) a lot of citizens value these mentalities due to the fact that the families never leave the area. It isn't uncommon for five generations to grow up and live in the same area and never leave and with that comes bigotry, prejudice, and ideologies passed down throughout the generations. Theres very little acceptance for change or different beliefs. I will not pose to be liberal or conservative I would like to think I am more independent with left leaning views on somethings and more conservative views on others. IF and ONLY IF the mother believed truly that her son was going to a Pro-Trump rally then what we all witnessed in the election (President Trump's verbiage) has only just started to come to fruition.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        6 years ago

        Thanks for sharing @montelemar. Glad I read this.

        A quote that stood out to me: "He had an African-American friend." Such a bizarre thing to say, but points to a common line of thinking that has been around as long as racism has: if you have even one black friend, you're in the clear - not racist or discriminatory, not a part of the problem.

        • bill
          Top reader of all time
          6 years ago

          As I reread and rethink this, another irony is that having a diverse friend group probably does do some good to help people dispel prejudice and stereotypes. Cuts both ways I guess.

    • jamie6 years ago

      How sad...... What a sad, lonely, little man. I do not want to have him to have any of my thoughts ..... the broader issue is what was his breaking point? Why did he do what he did when he did it? What is in the mind of terrorists? Bizzare!